Durchfall, Cyclops -- interesting Vocab
(too old to reply)
2024-09-15 19:49:36 UTC
I've always loved the German word "Durchfall".
in Jp slang (informal, vulgar) (poss. Regional)
they used to be called
"Express-train" (chou-Tokkyuu)
--- maybe it's less common today.



"Cyclops" literally means "round-eyed one." This name is
a direct reference to the creature's most distinctive feature, its
single, circular eye.

----- all my life... i got the impression that [Cyclops] lit. meant
something to do with Eye(s) that circles... going round and round
(around the head).


The Spanish word "tuerto" is derived from the Latin word
"tortus," which means "twisted" or "crooked."
This is likely due to the physical appearance of a
one-eyed person, with one eye being twisted or out of place.

--- the word Cyclone... seems close to Tornado.
(turning, twisting)
2024-09-18 07:58:24 UTC
disjecta membra is an interesting expression
because it reminds me of that old myth
   I've always loved the German word "Durchfall".
This is an English usage newsgroup, you stupid cunt.
in this case, it's not bothering me,
but pls make a note of it, when my thread
is trashed with insipid and/or uninteresting
irrelevant comment (e.g., from ACB)

German: Durchfall (de) m, (informal) Dünnschiss (de) m, Diarrhö (de) f,
Diarrhoe (de)

Cantonese: 肚屙 (tou5 o1)
Mandarin: 腹瀉/腹泻 (zh) (fùxiè), 下痢 (zh) (xiàlì), (colloquial) 拉肚子 (zh)

痢 alone must mean [diarrhea],
and 下痢 is more specific (with possible redundancy)
